No real agenda here. I had designed this house for myself back in 2012-2014. It was meant to be an affordable home with some mid-century modern flare.
The model was built in Revit, probably version 2014 but recently updated in 2021. These renderings, like most of my others are done in Octane, but this time Octane 2024.1. The black and white line-drawing style images come right out of Revit.
My workflow for this one was pretty painful. In the past, I used an OBJ exporter from Revit which would export a model with all of the materials associated to each element in the model. I no longer have access to that OBJ exporter so instead, I used the FBX export option from Revit. FBX files out of Revit force the same material/texture on every element in the model so to break up the materials/textures, I had to export elements of the same material at the same time. Quite painful but it got the job done.
Here’s a screen capture of Octane with this model open. The upper left cluster is all furniture. The lower left cluster is the house model and components. The cluster in the middle is the Render Targets and the cluster to the right of those is the site components.
A couple of floor plans, level one, and then the basement that needs some work, followed by a section.
Again, these two images below were exported directly out of Revit. The first image was meant to help show some of the shapes the canted walls created. The second image shows the house from the back and its various roof lines.
And finally, the renderings. I spent way too much time rendering these interiors. I really should have put more time into the design of the exterior and developed additional exterior renderings.
One little detail of interest is the plywood and black leather chair. It’s a Plycraft chair and I have a real one, with an ottoman, in my current home. I also have a Noguchi coffee table but it’s unclear if it’s “real” or not.